In February 2015, the County Council’s Scrutiny Committee (the ECSSC) set up a Task and Finish Group (TFG) to rewrite the County Council’s Cycling and Walking Strategy. Under the Chairmanship of Cllr Derek Whittington, the TFG reviewed the draft Strategy prior to reporting back to the ECSSC. That has been done and the draft has gone out to consultation. The revised draft document went before the ECSSC on July 8 and it has recommended that the document be adopted by the Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport. He will then recommend it to Main Council for adoption. As at February 2017, the Walking and Cycling Strategy (WCS) has been adopted as Council policy. It is in print and on their website
The West Sussex Cycle Forum has been closely involved with the process and has enjoyed good relationships with senior County Council officers. We have been explicit and clear regarding what we see as required to create a transport mix that uses the full potential of cycling to realize all the benefits that everyone acknowledges can come from a shift away from motorized, to non motorised, transport.
The WSCF response to WSCC's draft Strategy is listed as an attachment.
The Environmental and Community Services Select Committee (ECSSC) is a "scrutiny" committee who holds the county council cabinet members to account for their decisions.
The ECSSC is investigating how WSCC is progressing the provision of cycling.