We are a group of volunteers who have an interest in working with West Sussex County Council, and local councils, to invest in cycleways and cycle-centric infrastructure in order to encourage, and enable, anyone to ride a bicycle for local trips. Cycling is an extremely efficient and cost-effective mode of local transport, and will help to solve many big problems we face in our towns and cities such as traffic congestion, pollution, noise, road danger, obesity, and heart disease.
We represent ordinary people who would like to use, or might consider using, a bicycle for local transport.
If you are a keen cyclist then we'd recommend you talk to the CTC now called Cycling UK, to British Cycling or to Sustrans https://www.sustrans.org.uk.
The West Sussex Cycle Forum was created by West Sussex County Council, initially called the "West Sussex Cycle Stakeholders Group" on 14 December 2004. It was re-named the "West Sussex Cycle Forum" by its meeting in August 2005.
The group was formed by Philip King, then the County Council Cycling Officer, in order to consult with cyclists while the council was writing its Transport Plan (LTP2) and re-writing its "Pedalling Ahead" cycling strategy document.
For many years Forum meetings were organised and run by the West Sussex County Cycling Officer, and meeting rooms were paid for by WSCC.
The WSCF is the umbrella organsiation for all the local Forums around the county whose members are close to the ground and know the detail. From December 2011, the current Chair is Geoff Farrell, and from 2019, the Vice Chair is Ian Sumnall.