West Sussex Cycle Forum, 24 August 2005

Wednesday, 24 August 2005 - 5:00pm to Thursday, 25 August 2005 - 6:45pm
Committee Room 1, Horsham District Council Offices


  1. PK - Apologies

  2. Group discussion - Issues or concerns related to cycling that attendees wish to raise.

  3. Group discussion - Pedalling Ahead cycle strategy. A further opportunity to discuss and debate the document

  4. PK - Cycling project update

  5. PK - External funding update

  6. All - Date for next meeting

  7. All - Any other business

Attached is the latest version of the Pedalling Ahead document you have seen previously, including all changes proposed by you at our last meeting. Please review this prior to the meeting and bring any comments.

Follow up: Minutes and Notes