We would like the dangerous cycle track around the Northgate Gyratory to be remodelled along Dutch lines. Whilst it is acknowledged that we live in England and not in Holland, there are many opportunities to learn from good practice elsewhere – including Holland. As it is at the moment, the new ‘improved’ gyratory system is of little use to cyclists and indeed, if it were to be used as intended, is potentially high risk. The flashing signs that alert motorists to the fact that a cycle is on the gyratory, are out of a driver’s eye line, and some are currently hidden by trees. From a cyclist's point of view, with six roads leading onto/off the gyratory, it is – in effect - up to five STOP junctions. Many cyclists simply use the road or avoid the area altogether.
Local Sustainable Transport Fund money has been spent by WSCC on altering the existing cycle lane around the Northgate Gyratory roundabout.
The proposed new design appears to be extremely dangerous, encouraging people on bicycles to ride across the path of motor cars approaching them from behind.