West Sussex Cycle Stakeholders’ Panel Inaugural Meeting

Tuesday, 14 December 2004 - 6:00pm to Wednesday, 15 December 2004 - 5:45pm
Billingshurst Village Hall


  1. Introduction and format – Guy Parfect, WSCC
    • Why are we here? What can we get from this?
    • What are the other ways to communicate with the County Council?
  2. How Input from this Forum will be used by WSCC – Guy Parfect
    • Policies, Transport Plans, Working Practices, Construction Programmes, Information and “soft” measures
  3. The National Context – Mark Strong – English Regions Cycle Development Team
    • Local Highway Authority Assessments
    • The future of the National Cycle Strategy
  4. Prioritisation System for Cycle Infrastructure – Philip King, WSCC
    • Getting maximum benefits for each pound spent
  5. Developing a Cycle Action Plan for West Sussex – Guy Parfect
    • Turning Policy into accepted working practice – making sure it happens right
  6. Summarise Actions and meeting finishes for 8pm.