A campaign is under way to fund a dedicated path between Arundel and Ford railway station for people on foot and on bikes. It would follow the route of the road but be entirely separate from it. A letter - signed by more 50 councillors and dignitaries, including the Duke of Norfolk, the mayor of Arundel, the local MP Andrew Griffiths and his predecessor Lord Herbert – is aimed at raising awareness of the need for the path. Andy Batty, Chairman of the Arundel Walking and Cycling Group, said “this is an incredible feat of unity”. There is no secondary school in Arundel and some 300 teenagers commute to school – many using the train from Ford. Parents who are worried about their children’s’ safety drive them to the station or the whole way – up to 760 car journeys each year. Most of these car journeys could be replaced by bike rides if a safe route was available to use to and from the station at Ford. Andy also said “ they are about to build 500 million pounds worth of houses but have not thought through the infrastructure that residents will need to get around”.