Wednesday, 24 May 2017 - 6:00pm to Thursday, 25 May 2017 - 5:45pm
Beachcroft Hotel, Felpham
Notes are below
Minutes from Last Meeting – agreed
A259 Felpham - Climping Route has been put back to the summer. Trees are being cut but the formal notification and startline are awaited. Hiong Ching Hil (hereafter known as HC) will let us know.
Honer Farm – Chichester Route (original NCN2) has no update. Who are the Landowners?
Park Farm – Merston : Still on our radar but no feedback at the moment .
A259 Bognor –Chichester : Paul Eagle is carrying out a feasibility study on all NCN2 Routes and this will be part of that. Geoff and Malcolm’s report has been given to him
Felpham – Barnham : The surface has been worn away but this is not recognised by the County Council. The first section is permissive but not owned by the County Council it is owned by a Mrs Fuente who also objects to cycling signage “everywhere”.
Chichester University Bognor Regis Campus – Following a meeting Geoff and Chris Shad they have confirmed they do have a Cycling & Walking Plan which needs to be signed off. We have good links with them so will keep up the momentum. It has been pointed out however that the Campus Bus only costs 60p so begs the question why cycle?
WSCC Strategy : A third meeting has taken place. There are some very good alliances and it is the first time ever someone has represented cycling. It is great to know that the two cabinet members for Highways and Transport and Environment both have cycling as part of their brief and Louise Goldsmith the Council Leader is focussing more on sustainable transport.
Tescos : To be discussed at next meeting.
Geoff will add the RR Roundabout route on to the Common Sense Intervention plan.
A Cycle Forum – Graham noted there were 89 people on the Bognor Cycle Forum Facebook Page. It was suggested we had a get together in St Mary’s Centre Felpham. We would need 30 people to make it viable and cost effective. Lea has put a note on FB and will monitor interest .
Each Forum has been asked to Prioritise Off Road Routes : Honer Farm to Summer Lane would be a good one. Do we have any more?
Cycle UK are going to employ a Campaign Manager to make better use of footpaths
Bob is still checking the possible route through Site 6 as the road is still blocked.