Horsham District Council Task and Finish Report on Active Travel adopted

Here is the information about the HDC Task and Finish Group report on Active Travel which was approved by Full Council on April 27th (Item 8). Thanks to Cllr Mike Croker for setting it up and chairing.


  1. HDC to consider pursuing implementation of a highway matters screening method similar to that employed by Mid-Sussex DC for planning applications.
  1. HDC to consider: a. the group's recommendations for specific changes to Policy 41 in the draft Horsham District Local Plan as laid out in Appendix 5; b. A much stronger emphasis on sustainable transport, as required by NPPF para 112, incorporating themes expressed in Appendix 6, are reflected in the Local Plan and in supporting design and other planning policy guidance. Page 39; c. focussing initial capital investment on a single LCWIP project meeting LTN1/20 standards and of sufficient scale to enable people to cycle more complete trips and to act as a flagship for further routes.
  2. HDC to pursue and enable policy and measures to reduce the need to travel (especially by private car), including shifting trips from private car to active travel and public transport, reducing trip length and enabling the option of working from home. iv. HDC to develop and to support local groups to develop further LCWIPs, especially for larger villages across the District.
  3. HDC to develop and to support local groups to develop further LCWIPs, especially for larger villages across the District,

Appendix 6 (page 51) contains the ‘meat’ of the policy that Council is now asking to be considered for inclusion in the HDC Local Plan.