New report from Chartered Institution of Highways and Transport - read it!!

Better planning, better transport, better places is a new advice note published by the Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation (CIHT).It contains advice that is relevant to anyone engaged with Local Plans, and new developments in particular. Extract from the Executive Summary below.It might be used in conjunction with the Checklist for new housing developments provided by Transport for New Homes the Executive Summary:"The current planning practice is not delivering the best outcomes. New developments frequently fail to achieve sustainability because of their locations, the approaches taken to provide access, or the attitudes of everyone involved in their planning and delivery. Far too many examples still exist where the long since discredited approach of ???predict and provide??? is used to the detriment of planning better places.Integrating sustainable transport into new developments is key to achieving that outcome, but three key barriers stand in the way:- Local authorities are not setting out a vision for development in their Local Plans that includes setting accessibility and mode share targets to which developers and promoters can respond.- Limited practical examples demonstrate how to deliver sustainable transport outcomes which reinforce risk-averse approaches.- Collaboration between planning and transport regulatory and delivery bodies is either insufficient or ineffective.This advice document focuses on the critical practical steps that can be taken by planning professionals, developers, advisers, and local councils to overcome these barriers, from developing a strategic or Local Plan to delivering a development. It not only works within the context of current planning legislation and the NPPF but also provides recommendations for the government for improving current policy.Our quality of life depends on transport and easy access to jobs, shopping, leisure facilities, and services. We need an efficient and integrated planning and transport system to not only support a strong and prosperous economy but to reduce carbon emissions.