There is a large development to the west of the southern end of the Centurion Way in Chichester. It is known as Whitehouse Farm.
Next to the development is Bishop Luffa School. Part of the development is to create an additional playing field for the school –therefore to the west of the Centurion Way. The Centurion Way would then be in between two parts of the school. The school wants to divert the line of the Centurion Way to go around the western perimeter of the new playing field. This is to protect the privacy of the students and keep them safe within enclosed school grounds the safety – a laudable and necessary aim.
Campaigners are horrified by this. While not dismissing the school’s intentions, it is felt that there are ways to safeguard the students as well as keeping the line of the Centurion Way. For example - a bridge.
The Centurion Way is a shared use path going up to West Dean tunnel. It is planned to extend to Midhurst by following the old railway line. It is heavily used by cyclists, walkers, and dog owners with their dogs. It backs onto a large number of houses for which the Centurion Way is an easy escape into the country and up to the South Downs.
Campaigners met in November 2017 to cycle the route, meet for a journalist interview, meet with the school management and later meet with representatives of the County Council. In April 2018, another ride was arranged that included Chichester MP, Gillian Keegan. John Grimshaw (instigator and designer of the Centurion Way many years ago) has proposed a route to accommodate all reasonable concerns and that will take the route into the heart of Chichester.