Closed cycle lane is reinstated!

A cycle lane that was closed in 2011 has been reinstated. The cycle contra-flow in Park Road, East Grinstead was closed while the weak railway bridge was being repaired - but the temporary bollards remained in place until 2015. The status of the road confused drivers and cyclists. Ros from Mason Close said At last! This is the one of the most useful cycle lanes in East Grinstead. For those using Worth Way with bikes laden with panniers, it avoids pushing a bike up the railway station steps. It also gives access to the Imberhorne area avoiding the A22. At long last, WSCC Highway Engineer Nick de Souza stepped in to get the job done, for which I thank him very much! Ros Furley is now joint convener of the East Grinstead Cycle Forum, affiliated to West Sussex Cycle Forum. This group of like-minded people intend to campaign for better cycling in East Grinstead. Ros said, A route avoiding the one-way system on the A22 would be very helpful and encourage more people to use their bikes instead of clogging up the town with so many cars