We would like WSCC to formally adopt a sensible cycling strategy.
West Sussex County Council has had a Cycling Strategy in the past, called "Pedalling Ahead in West Sussex". It was originally published in 2000, with the most recent edition being published in April 2006. This document is still listed on the WSCC website as being relevant to their "West Sussex Transport Plan 2006-2016" (LTP2) as of January 2015. Their next transport plan for 2011-2026 (LTP3) does not refer to a Cycling Strategy at all.
It would seem essential for the County to have a Strategy to allow them to plan and prioritise cycling investment. Based on the evidence, it appears that they don't consider cycling to be worth investment as a serious mode of transport.
Here is an interesting analysis of WSCC's targets for increasing cycling in the county, and how terribly they've failed to meet those targets, and how the targets have been quietly forgotten in more recent Local Transport Plan documents: https://aseasyasridingabike.wordpress.com/2011/07/03/fantasy-cycling-targets/
Here's Ian Patrick (TravelWise Team Leader) talking about WSCC's encouragment to get people car sharing (council and school staff) in 2005: http://www.westsussex.gov.uk/apps/audio/WSCCRadio?id=2725
Following an invitation from WSCC, the West Sussex Cycle Forum created a draft Cycling Strategy for WSCC. This was submitted to WSCC in December 2013. The document remained dormant until it was submitted to the ECSSC in February 2015. At the meeting the ECSSC agreed to set up a Task and Finish Group to scrutinise the Walking and Cycling Delivery Plan. It was found wanting in many respects, and as is referred to elsewhere, a review and complete rewrite, was called for. The result was the WSCC Walking and Cycling Strategy 2016 to 2026. Now into its third year of life, many of the 300+ schemes within are being worked on.