
The West Sussex Cycle Forum is an umbrella organisation working on strategic issues for cycling in West Sussex.   Cycling and walking are essential parts of Active Travel, and whilst our primary focus is cycling, the WSCF supports in word and deed anything that encourages Active Travel and reduces dependency on motor vehicles.    For the WSCF, cycling and all Active Travel is a means to an end, not an end in itself.

The issues are exemplified in our response to the WSCC draft Transport Plan 2022-2036 and to the Active Travel Strategy 2023-2036.  See in News.

Statement of Purpose and Aims

To work towards the creation of conditions in West Sussex so that cycling is perceived as a valid and reasonable choice of transport for both utility and leisure purposes.  

How this will be achieved

The West Sussex Cycle Forum will work as:

  1. a coordinator of cycle groups in West Sussex.
  2. a mechanism for cyclists/cycle groups to work together with WSCC (i.e. Officers and Councillors) and each other on WSCC related activities for the betterment of outcomes in West Sussex for cycling.
  3. a mechanism for WSCC to work with cyclists/cycle groups for the betterment of outcomes in West Sussex for cycling.
  4. a mechanism for sharing experiences, best practice, and campaigning techniques between the constituent member groups and any relevant group or organisation whether in West Sussex or outside.
  5. a mechanism for becoming involved on any 'pan-WSCC' initiatives or in areas that have no active district/borough forum.